Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal Cord Injuries

Many people take mobility for granted. Loss of mobility affects almost every aspect of daily living.

Claims involving persons afflicted with spinal cord injuries require not only an understanding of the fundamentals of negligence law, they require understanding of and assistance with all necessary care from the hospital bed to home and beyond.

Particularly in motor vehicle cases, it is essential to involve a lawyer from as early in the case as possible. In our over-burdened health care environment, the public system does not have the resources to ensure that all of the needs of the injured spinal cord victim are met. This starts with ensuring that family members and outside health care providers are afforded the opportunity to assist the injured party immediately through to and including post discharge and follow-up care.

With over 50 years of experience, we can ensure that all of the benefits that can and should be accessed are accessed and that the injured and the family do not have to guess or hope for the help that they need.

Most often spinal cord injuries pose life-long difficulties. It is important that help be accessed immediately with a view to ensuring that it will be maximized for life.

As Hamilton’s premier personal injury lawyers, we are here to help.

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